Posted inBooks, Free Expression, News

Banned Books Week: Fighting censorship and preserving free speech

With the number of book bans increasing at a rapid pace and becoming evermore divisive, the attention to Banned Books Week, which runs September 18-24, 2022, is more important than ever. The American Library Association’ (ALA)’s officials reported 729 challenges in 2021, making it the highest number of challenges tracked since the ALA Office of […]

Posted inEducation, Law, LGBTQ, LGBTQ News, Politics

Maine’s religious schools are choosing bigotry over taxpayer dollars

One of the Supreme Court’s biggest blows to church/state separation in the past term has effectively achieved nothing. The bang became a whimper because the conservative Christians in Maine who wanted taxpayer money to fund religious schools have now realized they’re better off on their own. Carson v. Makin involved a voucher program that allowed […]

Posted inLGBTQ, LGBTQ News, Religious News

A Christian camp director was told to denounce his trans son. He quit instead.

Chris and Lindsay Kinman worked for a Christian ministry in jobs they absolutely loved… until people there found out they had a trans son. The Kinmans had to decide what meant more to them: their religious principles or their transgender child. They chose their child. That’s the summary of what’s supposed to be a heartwarming […]