Posted inLeaving Religion, Religion

Why do believers cling to religion even after escaping it?

Whatever we’re doing now to ensure church-state separation clearly isn’t working as the Founding Fathers intended. The problem is that even former true believers still have religion on the brain—literally—as do continuing true believers. I’ll explain later. The upshot is that until we change the U.S. Constitution to explicitly, categorically separating all religious intrusion and […]

Posted inFree Expression, Gen Z Rising, Politics, Religion

What we talk about when we talk about hijab—a view from Tehran

Like all people called to witness the unraveling of history as it happens, I am plagued more than anything by anxiety, a child of uncertainty. The tidy parade of events in history books belies the fact that those living through it do not know how their chapter will end. Will the chaos in Iran breed anything but further chaos? Will everything fall apart?