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Keeping Up Appearances in the Cult of Family

Lately, we’ve been talking about authoritarian Christians’ new marketing push: the Cult of Family. Only these Christians know how to create and maintain happy families. Didn’t you know? But as we saw last time, these same Christians despise the values that go into that wondrous and rewarding task. They follow very different values. And they accidentally reveal, constantly, how those values turn out for them. Today, let me show you how toxic Christians let slip what their family lives really look like, and why they do it.

Posted inReligion

Before the Cult of “Before” Stories: Tricking Authoritarians

I came face-to-face with two completely untrue beliefs I held: that my god transformed people upon conversion, and that Christians would never lie while representing that god. Hooboy, don’t ya just have to laugh sometimes? I was so innocent. So this story is about how my then-husband Biff arrived at that dais to lie for Jesus. To get there, he had to fool a whole lot of people–and that is exactly what he did. Today, let me tell you what happened right before that devastating night.

Posted inReligion

Authoritarians, THE ANGLE, and Evangelism Apps

Hi and welcome to our new series on authoritarians! Last time we met up, we explored the fear that drives people into authoritarian personalities and groups. This time, we examine the main tool authoritarians use to soothe that fear: obedience. We’ll dive into a new breed of mobile apps that take advantage of authoritarians’ need for rules and routines, too!

Posted inReligion

That Time Biff Tried to Become a Radio Show Host (Just Like Bob Larson)

At the height of the Satanic Panic, my ultra-Christian first husband, Biff, concocted a plan. He felt certain that it was foolproof. See, he had figured out how to achieve his dream of being a professional Christian! He’d become a radio show host just like Bob Larson. Today, I’ll show you what happened, how it shook out, and the hand it ultimately played in bringing us all together.

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Promises, False and Discovered

Now, you’d think that sensible salespeople would want to avoid making promises they can’t possibly keep. Alas for Christians, these promises are so much a part of their overall sales pitch that they can’t. Join me for a look at false promises, and why they devastate Christian evangelism attempts.

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The Worst Advice Biff Got from Christians About Marriage

If there’s one thing ex-Christians in the Unequally Yoked Club know, it’s that our Christian spouses get the worst ever advice about how to handle our deconversions. Of course, the advice they get before then is bad too. Today, I’ll show you the three worst pieces of advice my Christian then-husband received–and how it backfired dramatically on him.

Posted inReligion

You Must Be Born Again (And Again, And Again, And Again…)

Most people have likely heard of the Bible verse advising that people must be born again in order to avoid the monstrous Hell that the Christian god created. To be sure, most Christians know about it. Fundagelicals take that idea more seriously than most other Christians do, though. I’ll show you what that phrase means to them, and why they tend to do it way more than just once.