Posted inReligion

Dare 2 Share and the Sabotage of the Young

WELL. The best-laid plans and all that! I found something to lead us up to J.D. Greear’s skidmark of a post from last week. Y’all need to see this first–if only to prepare yourselves. It seems that evangelical leaders have come up with yet another way to sabotage their young people. This time, they called […]

Posted inReligion

The Awakening of the Young

Young people are awakening to their own power and agency, and that is very bad news for conservatives in America. Today, in the wake of both the death of one of the architects of toxic Christianity’s entire culture war modelĀ and yet another study revealing losses for Christianity, I want to share some truly good news with you.

Posted inReligion

Hang On, Everyone! This Christian Knows What the Problem Is!

We’ve been having fun this week snarking a post in The Federalist to eensy-weensy little pieces. But who could blame us? The Christian who wrote it managed to outshine all his pals in finding the most WTF explanation possible for why his religion’s losing so many adherents and so much credibility and influence in the eyes of the world. That isn’t easy to do nowadays!

Posted inReligion

What Christians Get Wrong About “Objective Morality.”

I’ve been noticing for some time that Christians’ morality appears to be shifting–very subtly, but it definitely is. The Christianity I behold today sometimes seems like it has only its name in common with what I experienced as a young person. I’m seeing a lot of Christian leaders remarking upon a new study that’s come out about morality, but they’re getting something very wrong about that study.

Posted inLGBTQ, Religion

The False Third Way of People to Be “Loved.”

Preston Sprinkle is clearly trying to find a way to square himself with his tribe’s culture war in his book, People to Be Loved. I wanted to touch on what the “third way” is, how it came about, where he differs with it, and why the idea ultimately fails before I talk more about his various suggestions for Christians and LGBTQ people.